Every day that you wake up Satan is looking for a way to get you to quit! Quit believing God. Quit using your faith. Quit dreaming. Quit giving. Quit hoping things will change. He flat out wants you to quit!
Do you know of any successful people who gave up? Do you know anyone who received a great reward for quitting? I don’t. It’s those who absolutely refuse to give up – no matter what their emotions are screaming or what their feelings are fighting for who receive the prize.
It’s been said that Walt Disney was rejected by 301 banks before he finally got a loan to build Disneyland. Really think about that. Can you imagine how he felt after the 137th bank turned him down? What about the 208th? How did he pull himself together and get the courage to approach another bank? He was determined! He wouldn’t give up. He had already come too far to turn back on his dreams! And neither should you! It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve failed in the past. It’s the last step in the race that counts the most. If you run a race but quit before you get to the finish line, it’s as if you never even ran the race.
Napoleon Hill said, “Every successful person finds that great success lies just beyond the point when they’re convinced their idea is not going to work.”
How do you get that kind of determination and “no quit” attitude? Do something every day to keep your faith alive. Remember faith comes by hearing (and hearing and hearing) the Word. It’s in the continual present tense. Stock up on some new faith-building CD’s and lay by the pool this summer and hear the Word! Or put your iPod on and go for a walk. Listen to the Word while you do your laundry or take a bath or drive to work.
Whatever you do, don’t turn back! There’s nothing back there for you. Everything God has for you is ahead of you. So, no matter how it looks, how it sounds or how it feels — stay focused on where you’re headed!