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What gets you up in the morning?

I was just thinking about how easy it is to let our passion die. Every day that we wake up, we have a choice to either dread the day or look forward to something. I’ve had times where it felt like I was just in a rut. I would get up every day, go for my morning walk, take Kassidi to school, go to work, take Kassidi to gymnastics, go home and do it again!

It’s so easy to get our eyes off of our vision, our purpose, our dreams and just go back to existing! Exactly what Satan is hoping! I want to encourage you to keep your dreams in front of you. Get your passion back! Start spending some time during your day (even if it’s 5 minutes) and just sit quietly and THINK. Think about what you feel God wants you to do. And then write down anything and everything you see in your spirit. Even if it sounds ridiculous or impossible, write it down. Remember, anything God calls you to do will be impossible. (It’s impossible to please God without faith…He requires you to use your faith to go after your dreams).

And if you can’t give yourself 5 minutes of “think time” a day, then you’re just flat out too busy. And you’ll end up regretting it. Thinking always precedes achievement. They say that most people spend more time planning their vacations than they do planning their lives. Ouch!

I want to motivate you to take 5 minutes out of your day and go somewhere by yourself and just sit there and think. Don’t do anything else but think. Even if you feel strange, do it! People always say, “Don’t just sit there -do something!” NO! I’m saying, “Don’t just do something – sit there!” And think.

Stir up your passion to do something significant and to fulfill your purpose by devoting some time with God to just think. Proverbs says, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” You can do whatever God calls you to do, but you have to think it first.

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