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To Paris with Love!

The time has come for me to go to the mission field! Everyone laughs when I say that God has called me to France….Paris, France! And yes, it sounds funny! And yes, I happen to love shopping, wearing berets and having a croissant or 2! But the truth is that France desperately needs the love of Jesus….in a big way.

In a recent survey, only 21% of the population of France attends any kind of weekly religious activity. And Paris was ranked in the single digits! France is considered a highly liberal nation with statistics high in abortion, divorce, homosexuality and prostitution. My heart is to teach these precious young girls and women how valuable they are to God. They need to know that their bodies are valuable, their minds are valuable, their time here on Earth is valuable . . . and limited.

I never knew when I was 16 years old sitting in a French class at Crowley High School that God was “setting me up” to make a difference in the nation of France. This month, I am taking 7 ladies with me who have the same desire to reach hurting people with the love of God and we are going to be passing out my new book, Vous Avez de la Valeur a Dieu (You’re Valuable to God) all over the city. I am starting this outreach in the nation’s capital, Paris, and we’ll see where God takes us in the future. Who knows….maybe next year you can go with me!

Whether it’s on Le Metro, La Tour Eiffel, les cafes, a l’hotel, le bateau ou a l’eglise — French people will discover how to change the way they see themselves and realize that God considers them pretty special!

Please keep me (and the team) in your prayers as well as the services I will be preaching in at Hillsong Paris and Paris Centre Chretien. I will keep you updated while I’m there!

Merci de mon coeur (thank you from my heart) for believing in me and supporting this new outreach!

Much “amour,”


**Oh yeah -and did I mention that my Birthday just happens to be during this trip?! “Quelle coincidence!” (What a coincidence!) God is so awesome!

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