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My trip to Mercy Ministries

I had the privilege of ministering to the beautiful young ladies of Mercy Ministries in Nashville, TN with Nancy Alcorn. Oh, they melted my heart!! These young girls have gone through so many different challenges in their lives from eating disorders, teen pregnancy, self harm, depression, sexual and physical abuse, sex trafficking, and the list goes on. As I was sharing with these young ladies as young as 13 years old, I began teaching them how to let go of their pasts and begin pursuing the new things God has for them . . . with a step-by-step plan. They were glued to every word and taking notes as I shared. With all my “props” and visual illustrations, those who first appeared withdrawn and displayed a sullen disposition, were soon smiling and then laughing.

Before I ended my sessions with them, I gave each of them a gift: my new book entitled, “Make Your Dreams Bigger than Your Memories,” my CD series on “Past Mistakes Don’t Have to Affect Your Future” and a “disposable camera”….so they can make some new memories! They were so excited to receive their own little package! I want to thank my wonderful, giving partners who made that possible. I wish you could have felt the hugs they gave me before I left. They wouldn’t let go!! (But then neither would I!)

One young girl said, “Miss Terri, will you please come back?? Please!” Another one said, “I wish you could stay and hang out with us and have a sleepover.” Another one said, “You’re the first preacher I’ve ever really understood.”

Needless to say, I did not want to leave them.

I kept thinking, “What else can I do for the young girls in these Mercy Homes all over the world?” And the Lord just put it on my heart to send copies of my book to every girl in every home! It’s so much fun to be a blessing. A blessing actually means “a divine instrument through which God’s divine favor flows bringing joy and peace and preventing harm in the life of another.” We are making a difference in young ladies’ lives across the globe….ladies who have been told and been treated as worthless! We are restoring their self-esteem, building them up in God’s Word and inspiring them to dream bigger than they ever thought they could!

Our books will be sent to young girls (13-28) in homes located in Louisiana, California, Missouri, Tennessee, New Zealand and England! Thank you, TSFM Partners! You are the best!!! You’re sowing into young ladies that will give them a future that Satan tried to steal from them! What a harvest you have coming back!

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