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Make a list…

It’s been said that people spend more time planning their vacations than they do planning their lives.  Well, it just happens to be that time of year when people are more likely to set goals than any other time of the year.  But I want to encourage you to make a list of things you want to do during your lifetime, places you want to go, successes you want to accomplish and areas you want to grow in your relationship with God.  Just make a list.

I read about a guy who was featured in Life Magazine because he made a list of 127 things he wanted to accomplish in his lifetime.  They were a variety of things such as:
1.    Ride a horse in the Rose Bowl Parade
2.    Read the entire Encyclopedia Britannica
3.    Trace the travels of Marco Polo
4.    Go on a mission trip, etc.

They asked why he made such a big list, and he answered by saying that as a little boy, he heard his grandmother say so many times, “I wish I had done that when I was younger.”  He vowed to himself that he would never make regrets and that he would live his life to the fullest.  At the end of his life, he accomplished 111 of the 127 things he set out to do.  The point of that article was that most people don’t even make a list, they don’t dream; therefore, they don’t live life to the fullest.

Make a list for your life and dream big.  Make a list for this year of what you want to do.  Make a list for this month.  Make a list for this week.  And even make a list for today of what you can do to take another step closer to God’s plan for your life.  I added some new things to my list this year and I would love to hear some of yours.  What are a few things on your list of to do’s? during your lifetime (big or small)?

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