If you want to see where your life is headed, look at the list of names in your cell phone. Who you hang around has everything to do with where your life is headed. It is very important that you spend time with people who lift you up rather than bring you down. If you don’t know anyone like that, then read books by people you admire and respect. Listen to their messages on CD. Learn everything you can from them. It will change your life.
“A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; he rages against all wise judgment” (Prov. 18:1, NKJV). Like me, you might have a tendency to isolate yourself from people when you’re going through a tough time. Keep in mind that Satan likes to keep you isolated. He knows where you’re weak, and he knows how to play on your emotions. If you keep godly counsel around you, they can keep you strong. They can help you stay focused on reaching your new goals and keep you walking toward your new life.