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Imagine Big Kit

Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $77.00.

Imagine Big (Hardback Book) – Unlock The Secrets To Living Out Your Dreams Your imagination is your mind’s ability to envision your future. But “seeing” your dreams is just the first step to transforming your reality. In IMAGINE BIG, Terri Savelle Foy shows you how to attract the ideas, opportunities, resources and relationships necessary to pursue your dreams. Don’t wait for “someday” to pursue the dreams the Spirit is revealing in your mind’s eye. Turn what ifs into what is by unleashing your imagination. Let today be the start of everything God wants you to be and do! My Personal Dreams and Goals Notebook: Do you get so busy doing the things you have to do that you never get around to doing the things you really want to do? Or do you ever take the time to think about what God really wants you to do? In this notebook, Terri shares practical advice on how you can live each day with purpose. As you fill in each page, you’ll be inspired to see beyond where you are today and begin taking steps to turn “what if” into “what is”. Imagine Big 5-audio teaching flash drive (exclusive to kit): The Power of Now Clutter Clean Out You Get What You Ask For How Much Do You Want It Can You Imagine?

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