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You Can Be Pitiful or Powerful but Not Both | This Changes Everything

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I heard a minister say, “A believer without confidence is like a jumbo jet setting on the runway with no gas. You’re not going anywhere.” See, if your enemy can get you so down, so insecure and so defeated in your mind, you won’t even have a chance to live your dreams. Joyce Meyer also said, “You can be pitiful or you can be powerful, but you’re not gonna be both.” This week, I want to help you make a bold decision to live your dreams… and this means getting rid of some junk in your life that could be holding you back. July 9, 2003 was the day I made my bold decision to live my dreams.

  • I made the decision to stop feeling sorry for myself because of things I went through that were unfair.
  • I made a decision to stop feeling guilty and ashamed for all the stupid decisions I made.
  • I made a decision to hold my head up, pull my shoulders back and go after every dream God put in my heart.

You wouldn’t be watching this video today if I hadn’t made the decision to get up or to stop being pitiful. The power of that bold decision has impacted your life in a way.Here’s my question for you today: Whose life will be impacted because you decide to make a bold decision?!I love you and I’m praying for you as you start your week. I’m cheering you on,


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