What I want to share with you today makes all the difference in the world! This is how you take simple images on a vision board from “pinning it, to holding it”!
When people say “How is it that it seems everything on your vision board happens?” I can sum it up in ONE WORD: commitment!
Committed when you feel like it and committed when you don’t!
I want to share the single most important key to success with you in this week’s podcast video.
What will you commit to in order to achieve your dreams?
I want to teach you HOW to get committed to your big dreams. You see, you will never conquer what you refuse to commit to.
First of all, yes, dream as big as you can. This is how God works “He declares the end from the beginning.”
God even said in (scrip) “All that your eyes can see is yours…” So, isn’t it time you fix your eyes on your future?
….but how do you stay committed to your goals? You must break your big dreams down into smaller goals…that’s what increases your commitment.
Thank you for watching this week’s podcast video. If you missed last week’s podcast, watch here https://www.terri.com/turn-your-bucket-list-into-a-blue-print-for-life/.
I’m cheering you on,
P.S. CLARITY about your dreams is THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT STEP TO SUCCESS! I’m gonna help you get clear by giving you my goal-setting worksheet to get you started. Go to terri.com/worksheet to get your free download.