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Why You Shouldn’t Tell People Your Goals

I want to let you in on a beneficial goal-setting tip for your fast approaching new year!
Before you start announcing your new habits and goals for 2019 to your friends and family today, I want to tell you about this…
Scientific research has proven that telling people about your next big idea robs you of motivation.
Yes, you read that correctly… when you tell someone about your next big idea, goal or even habits that you’re starting, it robs you of motivation to actually do them.
First, let me share this story with you…
I wrote a new book called 5 Things Successful People Do Before 8 A.M. based on the 5 morning habits I started in 2002 that absolutely changed my life.
I didn’t announce to anyone what I was doing. I just got a calendar, wrote down 5 things I would do for the next 21 days straight (that was my goal) and I set the alarm.
…that was in 2002 and I haven’t stopped.
But, I didn’t tell anyone what I was doing… and pretty soon, people saw the changes in me.
When you set your New Year’s goals and habits, don’t tell anyone what you’re doing. Pretty soon, they’ll start asking you:
  • How do you know this stuff?
  • Have you lost weight?
  • Where did this change come from?
Many times, when people get excited about adapting these life-changing habits and setting goals for themselves, the first thing they want to do is post it on Instagram!
Watch this video today, before the new year starts. I want you to know the right and wrong way to set goals and how to go about them.

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