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Why You Don’t Feel Good Enough

You may have heard how just a couple months ago I was looking over my goals for this year… with nothing checked off!
I honestly thought, “I need to reduce my goals a little because I clearly set them way too high.”
And maybe you’ve thought that too. 
As we’re approaching the end of the year, you’ve looked at your goals and thought, “Wow, what was I thinking! That’s way too big!”
When I was praying about what to share today, the Lord said to teach you from experience. 
In the last 30 days, I have accomplished almost every single goal I had set for 2019 and I’m on track to reach the last few this year.
When you do what I’m sharing with you today, it’s going to be like a domino effect in your life. 
When you stack dominoes, it could be 4 or 4,000, all you have to do is gently push ONE, just ONE, domino down and it sets in motion a chain reaction of all the other dominoes falling down.
In fact, the world record of dominoes falling down is 4.4 million in The Netherlands on Domino Day.
… and it all began with one push.
So, what is the first “domino” in your life that if you were to knock it down, it would cause a chain reaction and all the other obstacles would come crashing down?
  • Doors of opportunity would open
  • New relationships would form 
  • Divine connections would be made
  • Promotions would be given
  • Favor would increase in your career and business
  • Dreams would be achieved
We’re going to identify that “domino” in your life today so you can set off a chain reaction to accomplish your dreams and goals! 
I’m cheering you on,


P.S. Just a friendly reminder, my annual success conference, the NEXT Conference, will be open for registration October 29th (in just ONE week)! Mark it on your calendar… seating is very limited so tickets will sell out! 

Don't let your dreams pass you by!

You don’t have to waste another day without knowing how to start pursuing your dreams! Request this FREE PDF resource from Terri today.

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