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When You’re About to Give Up

Have you ever gone through a season of not understanding why something is taking so long, why things didn’t happen the way you thought they would or why it seems like God isn’t answering you?

I want you to know that what you’re going through is no surprise to God. I’m gonna share with you today how to stay focused and motivated when you’re about to give up, because we all go through these seasons.

He sees something you don’t see and He knows something you don’t know. It’s going to work out for your benefit…. If you don’t give up. I’ve seen it time and again.

Watch this week’s podcast video and let’s talk about your perspective through the tough, challenging seasons.

I want you to keep the right perspective and this is the thing: The size of your challenge is an indication of the size of your calling.

Let me repeat that: The size of your challenge is an indication of the size of your calling.

One of the greatest ways to stay focused on your calling is to hear stories of other people who could’ve given up but because they didn’t… they have a story of victory!

It gives you hope that you’re not alone, you’re not the only one going through this tough season and wanting to quit…. In fact, it’s perfectly normal and it’s actually part of the process on the way to success.

I want to share some victory stories to encourage you this morning.

I’m cheering you on,


P.S. I put together the 7 power scriptures I speak over myself every morning to change my perspective. Download this list of 7 scriptures and take a couple minutes out of your day to read them aloud and change your perspective – https://www.terri.com/powerscriptures/

Watch Terri’s previous podcast here: https://www.terri.com/turn-your-pain-into-power/


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