Today’s video is going to really inspire you! I want you to know that with God, anything is possible… You seriously won’t believe this.
My husband Rodney was driving past a junk yard day after day and finally noticed a for sale sign. Well, my husband saw a lot of potential for the land and decided to make an offer. After negotiating with the seller, the man who owned the junk yard said he’d come down off the price a little…
Before I tell you what we actually ended up paying for this junk yard, let me tell you WHY we get land so cheap and HOW you can get land cheap too! Click here to watch this week’s video!
I want you so aware of GOD’S FAVOR on your life that you start expecting it everywhere you go.
Know this: God’s favor is available to you; you just have to know how to walk in it.
Click here to watch this week’s video and learn how to experience God’s favor on all your dreams and goals!
I’m cheering you on,