One of the most common phrases I hear is: I don’t have enough time to go after my dreams and goals.
You do have a dream in your heart that God wants you to pursue. But if you’re always busy, stressed out, never have any time to work on your dreams, you’ll live and die with your dream still in you… having impacted nobody.
Okay, that was serious.
But, this is serious! You’re dreams and goals are serious! I want to show you how to manage your time so when we get back to normal life, you have a plan.
Are you ready to go after your dreams and goals without being stressed and overwhelmed? Watch this podcast video. me ask you: What’s your dream? What’s your goal? What’s the thing you really want to achieve this year, this month or even this week?
Maybe it’s to have a cleaner, more organized house, or to lose 15, 30, 50 pounds (whatever that number is), to find a better job, to write your book, or go back to school.
Maybe you want to run a marathon, or start a side business to reach a financial goals… BUT you’re already so stressed out and overwhelmed by your daily life that there’s no time to do any more.I want to show you how successful people manage their time.
Once I started implementing these changes to my life, I went from overwhelmed and busy to productive and content knowing I’m doing what God put in my heart to do.
So, let’s do this! Learn the top time management hacks from the most successful people in the world.
I’m cheering you on,
P.S. Oh! And don’t forget, download my time map to help you plan out your day