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The Biggest Way to Build Your Confidence

The biggest way to build your confidence that nobody talks about…
Have you ever made a committment and didn’t follow through?
Been there… My hand is raised  ‍♀️
Well, I was listening to an interview with fitness experts Chris & Heidi Powell recently and look at this statement Chris made:
“When I see someone who is 200 lbs. overweight I don’t see 200 lbs. of extra body fat; I see 200 lbs. of broken promises to themselves.”
Heidi said, “When you try and fail and try and fail and you don’t keep your promises, you don’t believe yourself. You don’t believe you can do it.”
When you make a promise and break it, it affects your dignity. 
Set another promise, break it, your dignity takes another hit. 
You gradually lose your belief in yourself. And you end up with no confidence, low self esteem, insecure and a poor self image… and this could be in any area of life, not just weight loss.
So, how do you break that pattern? 
You reverse the process! 
Watch this week’s podcast video and I’ll walk you through the steps to build up your confidence and break the cycle.
The Lord told my dad one time, ‘If you’ll keep your word to yourself, you’ll never question whether or not God will keep His Word to you.”
I’m really excited about the podcast today… this is where confidence and the belief you really can succeed comes from.
Plus I have a little challenge for you!
I’m cheering you on,


P.S. If you’re ready for a weekend of inspiration and biblical success teaching to take your life, ministry or business to the NEXT level… 
My annual success conference, The NEXT Conference, will open for registration TOMORROW at 12pm (CST). Get more info at terri.com/next

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