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Positive Affirmations to Change Your Attitude

What if I told you that what you say to others isn’t nearly as important as what you say to yourself?

It’s true. How you talk to yourself will determine how positive you are, and how successful you will be. Period.

Your personal affirmations can truly help you lose weight, get good grades, achieve promotion, close sales, get along with family members, win awards and even gold medals!

So let me ask you: Do you talk to yourself?

Of course you do. Perhaps you haven’t voiced the internal dialogue in your head like I’m suggesting, but you do talk to yourself whether you’ve realized it or not.

We all have an inner voice. The voice in your mind that happens without you even recognizing it. It’s a running commentary you have with yourself, about yourself. And it affects your attitude positively or negatively.

But, it’s not mindless commentary…

It has a way of creating its own reality. If you dwell on negative thoughts, it will produce a negative attitude and stop you from reaching your dreams. In fact, your mind can literally talk you out of your destiny!

I want to share with you my personal declarations that I speak over my life each and every morning. Let me teach you how to use positive declarations to literally change your life. Watch this week’s podcast video here.

If your inner conversation is hopeful, optimistic and uplifting, you will live a positive attitude and a positive life. I want you to use your self-talk to your advantage.

Mark Twain said: I’m always in conversation and sometimes other people are involved.”

These positive declarations can get you from point A to Point B… if you use them the right way.

I am cheering you on,


Watch the previous podcast here  https://www.terri.com/visualize-your-dream-life/

Get Terri’s personal list of affirmations to start speaking over your future everyday⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ https://www.terri.com/AFFIRMATIONS/


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