Win The War In Your Mind

Whatever you think about the most is the direction your life will go. Your life moves in the direction of your most dominant thoughts. Here’s the thing, you will never […]
Do THIS to leave your past behind!

Read this carefully: If your memories are bigger than your dreams, you’re not going anywhere… (ouch!) One of the very first steps I had to learn to step into my […]
7 Signs You’re Showing Your Insecurity & How To Change That!

Your communication with everyone around you is 73-90% nonverbal… you are communicating something all the time, without ever saying a word. Specifically, I want to talk to you about seven […]
The Life You Live is the Life You Think You’re Worth

Did you know that the life you currently live is the life you think you’re worth? The perception you have about yourself has a butterfly effect on everything in your […]
This is Guaranteed to Improve Your Life Instantly!

It’s a proven fact: changing your perspective changes your outcome. In other words, how you see a situation will determine how you come out of the situation. You can take […]
Is Your Job a Career or a Calling? | This Will Answer That Question

In High School, my quirky french teacher had such an impact on my life, and because of her, I have been all over France, teaching people how to live their […]