You Will Settle for Less Until You Do THIS!

I want you to ask yourself something… When is enough enough? When do you draw the line in your life and say, “I’ve had it!” Enough living in debt! Enough […]
Is This Why Your Prayers Aren’t Being Answered?

It’s been on my heart to address something with you… This is a little different than my normal “cheerful” Monday morning email, but I promise it will produce “cheerfulness” in […]
The #1 indicator you will achieve your goals in 2023

Today I want to talk about the #1 indicator that you will achieve your goals… This will help you get your motivation back, and your passion back and get the […]

I want to give you the 5 basic keys to success from the Bible that you need to know. The truth is, you already know these. In fact, you learned […]
This will quickly break you out of a slump guaranteed!

This week, I want to show you how I broke out of an 11-year rut and truly started living on purpose. I never want to guarantee anything I can’t back […]
Discover the connection between your potential, your passion and your purpose!

Ephesians 1:11 says, “God always does what He plans…” The bible shows us that God will not abandon what He wants to do with you. Will you abandon it? This […]