From Rags to Riches with 4 Words

Rags to Riches

I want to inspire as you start the week with a rags to riches story… THIS is a key factor that determines your wealth! In fact, I’ll show you how […]

How to Get Motivated in 30 Seconds

Get Motivated in 30 Seconds

What you watch, listen to, and read will get into your mind and your heart… And whatever isn’t feeding you is depleting you. Well, you’re going to get a vitamin […]

3 Ways to Avoid Plan B in Your Life

Burn Your Back-Up Plan

Do you have a back-up plan? If you do, here’s my advice… Burn it up! That’s right. Get rid of your plan B. In today’s podcast video, I’m going to help you […]

Guarantee Your Success with the 3% Rule

Guarantee Success

What would you say if I told you I could guarantee your success?  In today’s podcast video, I’ll show you how success can happen for anyone. All you need to […]

1 Word To Keep You Focused

Have you noticed times in life when you get stuck on cruise control? You can start to get comfortable, settle where you are, and stop making much progress. In today’s […]

The #1 Habit for Financial Freedom

In today’s Podcast Video, I want to share with you the #1 habit that every financially successful person does. Just imagine: Your car… paid off! Your credit cards… paid off! […]

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