From Solitude to Success

From solitude to success

I believe God is preparing you for something greater than where you are now, something beyond the realm of what seems possible. It may feel frustrating at times, but don’t […]

20 Minutes to Drastically Improve Your Life!

The 20 Minute Challenge

I’ve got a 20-minute challenge for you…  Set the alarm on your phone for twenty minutes to be alone. In today’s podcast video, I’m going to explain why THIS habit […]

Move Your Life in the Right Direction

This Single Question

I know this idea could be terrifying to you, but it is vital to your life and the future God has for you. Be sure to really pay attention to […]

It Pays to Be Quiet

Why It Pays To Be Quiet

When was the last time you sat quietly somewhere just to think? For years, I never allowed myself to get still enough to ask myself and the Holy Spirit those […]

The Life-Changing Power of Words

The Power of Words

If I was going to fulfill God’s calling on my life, I had to change the way I saw myself… and so will you! Let me show you how to […]

The Miracle of Affirmations

The Miracle of Affirmations

Do you sometimes feel unqualified, too shy, incapable, unworthy, unskilled, afraid, intimidated, less than average? You may feel that way… but that doesn’t mean it’s true. You have the authority […]

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