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My New Morning Routine

I’ve been getting a lot of great questions lately from so many people who feel like giving up during this pandemic.

How in the world do you not gain weight, waste time, give up on your goals, and watch too many Netflix series?

Since almost everything has drastically changed in society and many people are working from home, we can either throw our habits out the window or make some needed adjustments…

Have you heard that phrase, “Successful people have the habit of doing what unsuccessful people don’t want to do.”

Today, I want to share a mindset with you that will help you do what unsuccessful people don’t do so you can have what successful have.Does that make sense?

Watch this week’s podcast video… this mindset shift will change your life.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cH4qgV15q8&feature=youtu.beThere’s a principle I learned years ago, and now it has become a part of my mindset in everything I do. My husband, Rodney, even laughs about it. What is it?

It’s four little words I use to help me get things done, be productive, and keep my habits while still having fun and enjoying life…

Let me close by reminding you that Jesus is the same: yesterday, today and forever. Just like He brought peace in the middle of a storm in Mark 4:37-39, He is bringing peace to any storm you may be facing. Keep your trust in Him and faith strong… your breakthrough is coming!

Watch this week’s podcast video, I believe it’s for you.

I’m cheering you on,


P.S. Oh! And don’t forget, download my time map to help you plan out your day  https://www.terri.com/7steps/


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