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My 91 Year Old Grandma Gives Her 3 Tips For A Sucessful Life

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You are in for a real treat! I sat down with my 91-year-old Grandma on her front porch in Arkansas and asked her to share some tips with you on how to live a successful life.

You can’t ask someone for tips about success unless they’ve demonstrated success, right?

Well, you would never guess this woman is in her 90’s! Her mind is sharp, her memory is incredible, she reads a book a week, and she can work a puzzle faster than you can imagine… and she’s full of vision at 91 years old!

Watch this week’s podcast video and hear my Grandma Creech share her tips for a successful life. I believe it will inspire you to never look at the years you’ve lost, but to look at the years you’ve got left and live your dreams!

One thing that I hear time and time again is, “I’m too old to do that Terri,” “I should be further along in my career by now,” or “I should have done that 25 years ago!”

I believe this podcast video is going to inspire you that age is just a number and as long as you’re still breathing, God still has a purpose for your life. Grab hold of this message this week and use it to catapult you to live your dreams!

Click here to watch this week’s podcast video and listen to Grandma Creech’s 3 tips for a successful life.

I’m cheering you on,



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