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Making my 2020 Vision Board

Happy Holidays!
As we’re approaching the end of the year, can you guess what I want to talk to you about?

I’ve been making vision boards since 2012 and it is INCREDIBLE to see the dreams on my board come to pass in my life. That’s why I’m passionate about showing youhow to make your vision board for 2020.

When you surround yourself with images of your vision, it causes your dream to come alive on the inside of you. It adds clarity and focus to the dreams you’re believing for and greatly increases your ability to achieve them.

That’s why I wrote a whole book about how to make vision boards and we get testimonials every day from people checking off their dreams!
Watch this week’s podcast video… I have a free gift for you at the end that I think you’re going to love!

The fun thing about designing a vision board is that it’s as unique as you are.
Make it your own style. Some people make boards that could be sold at an art auction. Some people just tack 7 photos on a poster board and they’re done. It’s okay.

Just don’t allow the pressure of making it “perfect” stop you from doing it. It doesn’t have to be perfect, it just needs to be done… and appeal to you.
Most people don’t even know what they want, much less take the time to visualize their dreams and keep them before their eyes. You are miles ahead of the rest of the world by simply following through with this project.

I want to help you make your 2020 vision board so that you ACTUALLY achieve your dreams. Watch this week’s vision board tutorial.

I’m cheering you on,


P.S.Get your FREE vision board book (Dream it. Pin it. Live it.) here today ➡️ https://dreamitbook.com/


Don't let your dreams pass you by!

You don’t have to waste another day without knowing how to start pursuing your dreams! Request this FREE PDF resource from Terri today.

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