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Improve Your Life in 4 Minutes a Day

I want to share something with you that I started doing at the worst time in my life…

I was separated from my husband, depressed, lonely, confused and tempted to throw everything away.. I mean truly miserable!

I had reached a place of getting desperate for a miracle. Desperate for change.

I started going home at lunch and walking around my kitchen island doing this one thing… it only took about 4 minutes a day and it drastically changed my mindset, my outlook, my circumstances, and ultimately, my entire life.

So, what is it?

It may not be what you think it is because it sounds so simple but it is the most powerful thing you can do. It was simply speaking God’s Word out of my mouth.

But not just anything. I spoke what I call “power scriptures” that built my faith, changed my perspective about my life and my future and gave God an opportunity to work miracles in my situation.

I want to share with you these power scriptures so you can transform your life in just 4 minutes a day.

This is for you if you’re ready for a breakthrough.

I’m telling you from experience that God restored everything. I’ve now been married 27 years, our ministry has grown significantly, my finances have grown, I’ve written 9 books and traveled the world inspiring people to live their dreams.

God has truly transformed my life. I don’t even resemble that girl in the kitchen years ago. But I still do what I did back then. 

Download this week’s power scriptures and make speaking God’s word out of your mouth a part of your daily routine!

I’m cheering you on,


P.S. Ladies… ICING Women’s Event is approaching in just 3 months! If you register for ICING 2019 before May 31st, I want to give you the ICING 2018 replay videos and audios completely FREE. Click here to learn more about ICING Women’s Event and register today.

P.P.S. I put together the 7 power scriptures I speak over myself every morning to change my perspective. Download this list of 7 scriptures and take a couple minutes out of your day to read them aloud and change your perspective – https://www.terri.com/powerscriptures/

Watch Terri’s previous podcast here: https://www.terri.com/change-your-perspective-change-your-outcome/


Don't let your dreams pass you by!

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