I did something a little different for this week’s video.
It can be easy to get into a rut and just live on auto-pilot each day. I want to help you switch things up this week!
So, I’m going to share with you 50 different 30-day challenges. I want you to choose one of these 30-day challenges, and commit to it without skipping a day.
Watch this week’s podcast video.https://youtu.be/ADSZZvbrRVkFor 11 years of my life, I was comfortable…
I drove the same route to work. Worked in the same office space, at the same desk, doing the same tasks for a decade.
There’s nothing wrong with that, especially if you love what you’re doing, but I wasn’t stretching myself out of my comfort zone.
I started giving myself 30-day challenges in so many different areas (some of them stuck and some didn’t) but the good news is: it forced me to try something new and in some cases, develop habits that have changed my life.
What happens when you do this? Your confidence grows because you start keeping your promise to yourself.
So, are you ready to be stretched? Watch this week’s podcast video.
I’m cheering you on,
DOWNLOAD 50 ideas for your 30-Day Challenge https://www.terri.com/challenge/