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How to take back control of your life…

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As we start a new week, let’s get right into it…

Brian Tracy said, “Comfort and convenience run the lives of unsuccessful people.”

I don’t know about you, but I let comfort and convenience run my life for decades after graduating from college.

You’ve probably heard my story, but I had nothing in savings, lived paycheck to paycheck, my marriage was falling apart, I was falling apart, I rarely worked out, and I was miserable.

Maybe you feel stuck in your life. Maybe you feel frustrated or bored. You know inside there’s more to life, but you don’t know where to look, how to change, or where to get started.

Make a change by doing something new, and say YES to today’s 30-challenge.

Watch this week’s video, I believe it’s going to inspire you to make a small change in your life that will create massive results! God’s Word says in Isaiah 43:19, “For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?”

God wants to do new things in your life!

Here’s a profound statement I really want you to get: Nothing changes if nothing changes.

I know it’s deep… But think about it. Nothing will change in your life if nothing changes.

You have to make the change. And sometimes it’s as easy as setting a goal for yourself for the next 30 days.

Watch this week’s podcast video and let me explain what this 30-day challenge is all about.

I’m cheering you on,



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