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Forget your Dream or Forget Your Age? | Proof You’re Never Too Old

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No matter your age, I’m sure there is something you wished you had done when you were younger and now you use the “I’m too old” excuse as a reason for not doing it now.

Trust me, I hear this ALL THE TIME.

When I’m speaking at conferences, I’ll meet people in the crowd who tell me they’re too old to go back to school, too old to change their career, too old to start their business, and the list goes on and on.

I want to prove to you today that it’s not too late and you’re not too old to live your dreams…Don’t be like the guy whose tombstone read: died at 30 buried at 60. In other words, he just existed for 30 years.

No, God has something for YOU to achieve, to fulfill. He has an assignment on your life. In fact, this week, we’re going to prove that you haven’t wasted too many years to live your dreams! When I turned 40 years old is when God put a dream in my heart to start my ICING Women’s Event…

I was 40 years old and just getting started with my own conference teaching women to dream. We launched out and it has grown and grown and grown every year.

Women have gotten free from their past, started businesses and ministries, written books, launched products and so much more…

Well, now I’m 51 years old and I’m just now taking the ICING Women’s Event across the USA to cities around the nation.

In fact, we’re having ICING Orlando on November 6-7 and it has completely sold out! I’m telling you… Your dreams will be rekindled!

So, forget your dream or forget your age? You decide.

I’m cheering you on,



Don't let your dreams pass you by!

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