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Don’t Miss Your TIme

On Monday’s, there’s a common theme throughout the world where we dread them. Well, after this, I can guarantee you’re going to be fired up to tackle this Monday. Are you ready?

I know you have your phone… you’re probably reading this on it right now. I need you to use the calculator on your phone for this exercise, but trust me, it’s crazy. It will wake you up!
So, this is what I want you to do:
  • Type in your age.
  • Multiply your age by 365.
  • Now, subtract 28,650 from the number on your screen
Ignore the negative sign. The number you see on the screen (if you live the typical life span of an American adult) is how many days you have left… on earth!
What am I saying? Don’t miss your time. Watch this week’s podcast. I know it’s going to wake you up and inspire you today! 
In Luke 19:44 we see Jesus weeping saying, “You did not recognize the time of your visitation.” They missed it.
I don’t want you to miss your time, your calling, your assignment because you wasted it doing insignificant things… or maybe you stayed stuck in a season that God was finished with. You stayed stuck in the past when God was saying, “it’s time for something new in your life.”
When God prepares us for a new season, it changes us. These changes may not be fun, but they are always for our benefit.
Watch this week’s podcast. I believe you’re going to fulfill your time.
I’m cheering you on,


P.S. Ladies, if you haven’t registered for ICING Women’s Event, you don’t have
much time left! If you’re wanting a TRUE life transformation, come expectant of it. Fast before the event, pray before the event and be ready to hear from God! Click here to register for ICING 2019 on August 30-31 in Dallas, Texas.
P.P.S. Hey, I’m giving away a chapter of my book, Make Your Dreams Bigger Than Your Memories, absolutely free. Download it right here:

Don't let your dreams pass you by!

You don’t have to waste another day without knowing how to start pursuing your dreams! Request this FREE PDF resource from Terri today.

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