Happy Holidays!
Now, if you’re like most people, around this time of year you start thinking about the future.
You start listing out a couple goals you want to achieve in the coming new year. Maybe you list out a few habits you want to break and a few habits you want to start.
But here’s the sad truth…
Did you know that 98% of New Year’s goals go unfulfilled!
That probably isn’t the “Monday motivation” you wanted to hear from me . That’s why I want to give you a few tips to help you ACHIEVE your goals today.
Here’s the thing about having your goals framed on a vision board: CLARITY about your dreams is the single most important key to success.
So why does a vision board work? Watch this week’s podcast video.
So, do you put goals that you can accomplish in 2020 on your vision board or bigger goals that may take 5-10 years?
I’ll show you how I handle this in today’s video.
This will work for you… Let’s create a vision board for your 2020 goals.
I’m cheering you on,
P.S. Get your FREE vision board book (Dream it. Pin it. Live it.) here today ➡️ https://dreamitbook.com/