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Becoming a Morning Person in 2020

It’s no secret that the most successful, high achievers have something in common: they win the battle of the bed.

So, let’s talk about how you can conquer the covers and become a morning person this year.

Why is the morning so important to be successful and achieve your dreams?
Did you know that if you just wake up 1 hour earlier every day, you would add an additional 15 days of time to your life this year!

What could you do with 15 extra days?

Benjamin Franklin said,
“Early to bed & early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”
So, does your current morning routine support your goals and desires? Or do you wake up late, rush to get ready, and hurry out the door already stressed?

I want to prove to you why waking up just a little earlier is vital to living your dreams and how you can become a morning person this year.

I’m going to share 7 tips to turn you into a morning person (it’s easier than you think).

#7 is the most important of them all so watch this week’s podcast episode until the very end… it’s about the motive behind this new discipline in your life.

Do this and you’ll join the ranks of the most successful people in the world, and you’ll point your life in a new direction.

You are ahead of the game!

If you’re determined to become a morning person this year, I’m giving you a FREE printable guide from my book, The 5 Things Successful People Do Before 8am, at the end of this video.

I’m cheering you on,

P.S. Download your morning routine guide today https://www.terri.com/morningroutineguide/

P.P.S. The NEXT Conference, my annual success conference, is just two weeks away! There’s only a few seats remaining… Register now to experience live teaching from motivational legend, Les Brown, and me this January 24-25 in Rockwall, Texas.

Click here to reserve your seat!


Don't let your dreams pass you by!

You don’t have to waste another day without knowing how to start pursuing your dreams! Request this FREE PDF resource from Terri today.

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