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Affirmations for Self Esteem

Happy Monday… it’s going to be a great week!

Do you know what the two most powerful words in any language are?

The two words: I AM.

Whatever you put after those 2 little words create your reality.

If you’re anything like I was years ago… insecure, ashamed of my past, and overcome with feelings of guilt for the things I had gone through – this message is for you.

Your feelings may not even be that extreme.

You may be like so many others and feel as though you’re not interesting enough, qualified enough, and what you have to say isn’t important enough – this message is also for you.

Today, I want to help you break barriers and beliefs that have held you back for too long.

Will you try a little exercise with me? Watch this week’s podcast video – I have an exercise for you to try at the end!https://youtu.be/DJyhyIbsIKUIf you don’t know my story, I talk a little bit about it in this week’s video. What you’ll get from my story is the exact process I had to go through to overcome feelings of shame, guilt and not being enough.

I put together a very practical and simple plan… I made a list of affirmations that were the opposite of who I was at that time.

I declared those affirmations every single day, and you know what? My mind and life got inline with my words.

I want to share with you the exact affirmations I declared daily – I know this is going to help a lot of people… will you share this video with someone?

Watch this week’s podcast video.

I’m cheering you on,


FREE DOWNLOAD: Affirmations for self esteem   https://www.terri.com/selfesteem/


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