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5 Things Successful People Do Before 8 a.m.

5ThingsSuccessfulPeople Do

What is the difference between successful people and those who seem to constantly struggle? I think Jim Rohn said it best when he said, “Success is something you attract by the person you become.” Your habits are the number one way to determine what you are becoming. Success doesn’t begin by getting a phone call from a publisher or some other great opportunity. I read an article from Forbes magazine about the 5 things successful people do in the morning that I want to share with you. First, I want to tell you about the daily routine I started when I just wanted to get out of the rut my life had become. I had no idea that choice would change everything.

I decided that everyday I would:
1) Pray
2) Listen to a faith-building message
3) Read for learning
4) Review my dreams and goals
5) Exercise

I told myself that these things were not up for debate. It didn’t matter if it was 15 degrees outside, I was going to go walk around my neighborhood for exercise. I was determined to do these 5 things everyday…and I haven’t stopped. My life is so different now and I am not the same person I was when I started.

The Forbes magazine article listed the 5 common activities CEO’s and top achievers do before 8 a.m. Utilizing your morning time is important because that is when you generally have the most control of your time. Their list included:
1) Exercise
2) Map out their day
3) Eat a healthy breakfast
4) Visualize
5) Make the day top-heavy

My question for you is, what a few things can you do every day that would position you for greater success?


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