You probably already know, but my sweet dad, Jerry Savelle, is my guest speaker this year at our Dallas ICING Women’s Event (whoop whoop)!And I’m so excited… it’s happening this Friday (get your tickets before it’s too late)!
So, I actually stole something straight from his notebook and decided to share it with you in this week’s podcast video (sorry, Dad)!
This week I’m talking about The 5 Indicators You Have a Dream from God…
Watch this week’s podcast video… you are going to gain so much clarity about your dreams! One of the most common questions I get asked is, “Terri, how do I know if this is a dream from God or my own head talking?”
You don’t have anymore time to waste wondering if this is a dream from God, if it’s the right dream or the right timing, or whether or not you’re making something up in your own head.
No, you need clarity. You need to be able to look at your dream, know it’s from God and start walking towards it.
That’s why this week we are going to talk about it… you’re going to love this. I’m cheering yo