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4 Books You Must Read If You’re Serious About Being Wealthy

Would you like to know what 4 books I recommend for building wealth?


No matter your current financial state, you can transform your thinking, get out of debt, build an emergency savings account, and build financial wealth to enjoy your life… more than anything you’ll have peace!


How do I know this for certain? Because these are the 4 books that did it for me.


It’s God’s desire that you prosper and enjoy good health even as your soul prospers (3 John 2). 


Let’s talk about some practical steps you can take so when you lay down at night, you have the peace of mind that you’re financially secure (or at least moving in the right direction). 


Watch this week’s podcast video.

Mark Twain said, “I can teach anybody how to get what they truly want in life. I just can’t find anybody who can tell me what they truly want.”


So, when it pertains to money, what do you really want?


  • How much money do you want to save by the end of this year?
  • How much of your debt do you want paid off by the end of the year?
  • How much will the dream in your heart cost? Dream of a new car? New house? College tuition? Vacation?
  • Do you have a clear vision of your financial future?

Napoleon Hill points out that DESIRE is the turning point of all achievement. In other words, if you truly desire something, you will find a way to get it.


One of the best things you can do to increase your desire is to WRITE THE VISION and put it somewhere in sight constantly (on your screen saver, on your refrigerator, your mirror, your vision board).


I want to give you 4 books to add to your reading list to set you up for success. Watch this week’s podcast video.


I’m cheering you on,



P.S. Download here: Book Reading List https://www.terri.com/buildyourwealth/


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