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3 signs God is asking you to trust Him more

I saw the following quote on Pinterest the other day and thought it was a perfect “pick me up” for a Monday morning…
“How cool is it that the same God who created mountains and oceans and galaxies looked at you and thought the world needed one of you too!” 
I love that!
And it’s true. You are so valuable and unique just the way God made you.
I also know that He is always calling us up higher and showing us where we need to grow.
Recently, I got a wake up call from the Lord and He pointed out a few things that I needed to change in my life… so much came down to the fact that I wasn’t fully trusting God as much as I should.
This week, I want to talk to you about the 3 signs God is asking you to trust Him more. These signs may not be what you think they are…
You’ve probably heard me say on social media that God told me to stop saying, “I trust you Lord?” with a question mark. No, He told me to say, “I trust you Lord!” with an exclamation point.
I want to show you how to have that “exclamation point” kind of trust in God in today’s podcast video.
I’m cheering you on,


P.S. It’s Partner Month! That means this is the month where we honor and bless our partners for making a difference all over the world. The impact of partners includes: evangelizing France, getting vision board teaching in schools, helping troubled young women and encouraging millions of people to go after their God-given dreams.
Will you join me in partnership? Click here for more info. My team and I are so grateful for you!

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