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20 Things To Do At Home During The Coronavirus

How can YOU utilize this time for your benefit?

I recently read that online video game usage has surged 70% as more people are staying home during this pandemic.

This can be a season of great panic, waste, and each day filled with dread.
Or this can be YOUR MOMENT to rise up, get prepared, be a role model to those around you, and make massive progress towards your goals this year.

Great victories have always come from great battles.

It’s so important to not allow fear or anxiety to consume your mind. Instead, you’ve got to keep your perspective right…

Everything is going to be alright, God is still in control, and somehow, someway He’s going to turn this around for your FAVOR!

So, if we trust God is in control, then let’s seize this time at home and make it work for us, not against us.

Watch now and I’ll give you 20 things to do to turn panic into productivity!


How many times have you said “I’m so busy” or “I wish I had time to do that”?

This is your moment. This is unexpected time you now have to do things you’ve been wishing you could do.

I’m telling you this season can really be used to your advantage or it can be a disadvantage of wasted (valuable) time.

So, make the most of your time by getting your mind off the negativity and news, and onto something positive and productive.

I want you to come out of this strange season more focused, peaceful, and productive than ever before. How? By doing some of these 20 things at home during this season.

Watch this week’s podcast video.

I’m cheering you on,

P.S. Here’s your FREE Dream it. Pin it. Live it. eBook https://www.terri.com/dreamit-ebook/


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