Make Your Dreams Bigger Than Your Memories
Terri wants to challenge you this week to let it go. Let go of the past and embrace your God given future, a future filled with success and freedom.
Just Keep Asking
God has much in store for your life, but some of it won’t manifest until you ask for it. This week Terri teaches about asking for what you really want. […]
Terri answers your tough questions, pt.2
A minister had a homosexual affair and a woman is living with her porn-addicted boyfriend. Terri answers your tough questions.
Go From Insecure to Confident
There are external changes you can make to improve confidence, but ultimately confidence comes from the inside. This week Terri shares how you can trust God and His love, because […]
It’s Never Too Late
This week Terri gives you tips on how to identify time wasters and how to tackle projects that, before, seemed impossible.
Sexual Soul Ties and Obedience
Terri shares why she stayed in an abusive relationship and how you can avoid living a cursed life. [optin-monster-shortcode id=”dmbhjtlkkbkukz9oophz”]