Is This Why Your Prayers Aren’t Being Answered?

It’s been on my heart to address something with you… This is a little different than my normal “cheerful” Monday morning email, but I promise it will produce “cheerfulness” in […]

I want to give you the 5 basic keys to success from the Bible that you need to know. The truth is, you already know these. In fact, you learned […]
How to stay in faith when you see nothing happening

One of my friends on Instagram asked this question — How do you stay in faith when you see nothing happening? This week I want to share a teaching that […]
Nothing delays your dreams more than THIS!

I came across an article from a guy named Darius Foroux who said his mentor gave him the best advice to be successful… He said, “I just try to avoid […]
God will NOT reveal His plan for you UNTIL you do this!

I had to learn this myself and it’s not easy… but it’s so worth it! In fact, God will not give you the next steps until you do THIS!
These 3 things helped me get my life together

I found out that the BIG SEPARATOR from the successful and the unsuccessful, those who live their dreams and those who just dream, is they embrace new, unfamiliar things.