Why Most People Remain In Mediocrity | You’re Not Lazy Or Unmotivated

It’s Monday and you have a new week ahead of you… let’s make the most of it! Did you know that the average American drives 12,000 miles per year in […]
You’re not lazy, you’re unmotivated | You just need this

Listen to this — I’ve been told the African impala has the ability to jump 10ft high and 30ft long. Yet this animal can be found trapped behind a 4ft […]
7 signs you’re sabotaging yourself or your success

I’m going to share the 7 signs of self-sabotage with you right now in this week’s podcast video. I’m really excited to share this with you this week… you’ll probably […]
Are you limiting life’s best possibilities by doing this?

Are you limiting yourself from life’s best possibilities? I’m not implying anything, but I ask you this for a reason… Did you know that neurologists have discovered that the average […]
How To Create Your 2021 Vision Board | 3 Steps To Get You Ready For The New Year

By now you know that I love vision boards. But why am I so passionate about using them? Because it’s a simple principle from God’s Word… you become what you behold. Remember, […]
How Fasting (Literally) Changed My Circumstances |How to Fast for Your Goals

The title of this video could sound really strange if you’ve never heard of “fasting for your goals” before. It would’ve sounded a little weird to me too a few […]