3 Ways to be More Confident!

Having confidence was a huge challenge for me… I saw how confident other people were, but I was filled with insecurities. I honestly thought I was the ugliest girl growing […]

Maybe you’re not always “shy”, but in certain circumstances, you tend to shrivel up and not pursue the things in your heart because of a lack of confidence. This week, […]
Don’t start the new year without this checklist | plan your best year ever!

God said “without a vision, we perish.” Robert Schuller said “Goals are not only necessary to motivate us; they are essential to really keep us alive.” Goals keep you growing, […]
20 Fun Holiday Traditions to Try + My Family’s Favorite Games to Play

I discovered that family traditions (no matter how goofy they are) are more important than we realize. In fact, I was reading an article that said Christmas traditions matter because: They provide […]
Powerful Year End Ritual + Planning Your New Year

As 2021 comes to a close, don’t be discouraged if you have goals unachieved… You can’t change the past, you can only make the most of today, look forward, and […]
5 Steps To Creating Your Vision Board | #1 indicator your vision board will manifest

Have you ever craved coffee so bad that you were willing to wait in a thirty minute line for an overpriced drink? This is because when you desire something with […]