Find Your Time Map
Is your time being stolen every day? Are you finding yourself worn down without much getting done? This week Terri teaches you how to find the time to get everything […]
What are you doing with your mouth?
Your mouth plays a major role in the direction your life is going.
Express Gratitude Today!
Don’t wait until you see and have what you want to be thankful.
Give God Thanks
This week Terri talks about the importance of expressing gratitude toward God before your prayers are answered. Turn your circumstances and life around by giving praise to God.
5 Tips to Break Habits and Start New Ones
Are your habits keeping you from success? Terri shares how you can change your life and experience greater success in life by changing your habits.
You Don’t Have Time to Waste
Your time on earth is precious and your life is valuable. Discover simple keys to help you move beyond the mistakes of the past to pursue your future.