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Are Your Wheels Just Spinning?

God has a plan and path for your life. But do you ever feel like you’re just going around in circles? This week Terri wants to help you define that […]

Answer Your Wake-Up Call

Every day someone or something is calling your name. But the biggest call is God’s call on your life. This week Terri teaches how to answer the call instead of […]

See It, Say It, Seize It.

We all want our lives to be full of good things, good friends and happy memories. But in order to find the things we desire, we have to work for […]

Clutter Cleanout Challenge

Clutter gets in your way, and it’s a part of everyday life right? Well this week Terri teaches about how clutter will steal precious time from your life. Don’t let […]

De-Clutter Your Home In 20 Minutes

Your house is not that dirty, or is it? Is the clutter in your home stealing your peace? This week Terri asks simple questions that will help you find your […]

Common Clutter Concerns

“How do I even start cleaning up this mess?” A common question. Especially when a cluttered house can mean a cluttered mind, which can keep you from achieving your dreams. […]

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