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7 Things Unsuccessful People Do

Did you know that there are certain habits that unsuccessful people practice without even realizing it? Today, Terri shares with you the top habits of the unsuccessful and ways you […]

The Surprising Way I Stay Motivated

Have you ever been challenged to find the motivation needed to do what you know you should?   I understand. That’s when I discovered proven ways that helped me break […]

3 Spiritual Keys to Self-Discipline

Why do some people make lasting progress and achieve results and some don’t? You know those people who come to the end of each year without any growth, change, or […]

7 Reasons to Smile Today

It’s New Years Eve! (Arguably the best time of year… filled with goal-setting and fresh starts.) Before we start the new year, I want to talk to you about something so […]

How to Make Exercise A Habit

“I saw 3 people jogging outside and it inspired me to get up… and close the blinds.” Okay, I heard someone say that and I got a kick out of […]

The Power of Writing Down Your Goals

Have you heard the phrase, “What’s easy to do is also easy not to do”? Well, you can join the ranks of the most successful people this year by simply… writing your goals […]

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