3 money tips that will change your life (& lifestyle)

A dear friend of mine passed away this summer. It was totally unexpected (in fact it’s strange to think he used to watch my podcast every week and randomly send me […]
When Nothing is Going Your Way Do This!

A few weeks go, I was looking over my top 10 goals for this year. That’s nothing new. I’ve been doing this for almost two decades now (I’m known as the “Cheerleader of […]
Why You Don’t Feel Good Enough

You may have heard how just a couple months ago I was looking over my goals for this year… with nothing checked off! I honestly thought, “I need to reduce my goals a […]
Positive Affirmations to Change Your Attitude
What if I told you that what you say to others isn’t nearly as important as what you say to yourself? It’s true. How you talk to yourself will determine […]
22 Affirmations for Self Confidence
One day in September of 2002, I looked at my life: separated from my husband confused inside no money in the bank living paycheck to paycheck credit card debt unhealthy house was a […]
How to Speak So People Want to Listen
Have you ever wondered how to speak so people want to listen? How in the world do you get people to desire to LISTEN to you? The short answer is: with sandpaper… […]