This Small Change in Your Life Can Make a Big Difference

Have you heard the phrase “Small hinges swing big doors”? It comes from W. Clement Stone and means it’s the small things, the small actions that are often the trigger […]
How to take back control of your life…

As we start a new week, let’s get right into it… Brian Tracy said, “Comfort and convenience run the lives of unsuccessful people.” I don’t know about you, but I […]
The Power of Silence | Why Successful People Are Successful

Wow, what an amazing weekend… ICING Women’s Event exceeded my expectations and I give all credit to God! Women were set free from their past, faith replaced fear, teens got […]
5 Things to Get Rid of Today if You Want to Live Your Dreams…

When I was recording this week’s podcast video, I remembered something so vividly… It was 2008, and I was about to start our YouTube channel. The camera started recording and I […]
THIS is Why Some People Always Succeed|Is this What’s Stopping You?

When I was recording this week’s podcast video, I remembered something so vividly… Here’s what I’ve learned… if you want to achieve your dreams, you have to learn to fight for […]
3 Mindsets Holding You Back from Your Dreams…

Today, I promise to be positive and optimistic… but here’s the thing: I don’t want you to come to the end of your life and find out you only lived […]