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The Hour Of Power

Discover how to use the hour of power to dramatically change your life and give you an extra 15 days a year. Order the complete “Mind Over Mattress” teaching by […]

Pay Now, Play Later

There will always be a price to pay in life and you’ll be better off if you pay the price first before you play. In today’s episode, Terri talks about […]

How To Overcome Regret Instantly

We all have things we wish we didn’t do, mistakes we’ve made, things we regret. But, when you live in the guilt, shame, and hurt of your past, it will prevent you from moving into your […]

2 Steps To Emotional Healing

Terri shares a personal (and disgusting) story about something that happened to her toes years ago to illustrate what it really takes when you want emotional healing. Based on teaching […]

The #1 Predictor Of Success

Terri shares the major difference between people who succeed and those who just wish for success and provides two keys that will help you achieve you goals.    

How To Change The Story of Your Life

You didn’t get to choose how your story started, but you do get to choose how your story ends. This week’s episode will encourage you to overcome limitations to be […]

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