How To Successfully Design Your Life

Was this your story? You just went with the flow in life… almost like you were on autopilot and didn’t even realize it. Months, maybe even years, started passing you […]
5 Step Formula for Achieving Impossible-looking Dreams

I thought it would be fun this week to show you how I approach every impossible dream in my heart. See when God puts a dream in your heart, it’s […]
It’s About Time!

When you think of me, you might think of dreams, goals and even vision boards… Well, today I want to share something vital to help you achieve your dreams and […]
I have never done this before! But it turned everything around in my life!

Have you ever found yourself in a frustrating season of life? Maybe you feel worn out from praying over and over and it just seems like nothing is changing. We’ve […]
The 3 worst things you could do with your vision board

Today I want to share the 3 WORST things you could possibly do with your vision board. I’m telling you, if you’re doing one of these three things, it could severely hinder […]
You won’t believe the transformation | Quickest Declutter Tips

We all know how daunting decluttering and organizing can be. That’s why I made a plan for you… after this short 10-minute video, you’re going to have a vision to get […]