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Open the Door to a Record-Breaking Year!

Happy New Year! 

I just love how the start of each year brings a reset and a fresh opportunity to be and do everything God has in store.

Let me ask… Do you believe this will be a record-breaking year for you? With God’s power at work in your life, it can be. 

As we step into 2024, I’m excited to share with you what the Lord’s told me concerning this year. I believe this is really going to encourage you.

On October 1st, the day after my 54th birthday, I was spending some extra time praying and listening to God for instructions regarding my life.

Before I knew it, the Lord was speaking to me so fast and so clearly. I wrote down everything I heard during this time of prayer, never pausing once… but I soon realized that this wasn’t just for me, it is for you too. 

Here’s what I wrote:

2024 will be a record-breaking year
For those who hold My words near.
You’ll achieve more, receive more and
Walk in new doors as never before.
DisciplineDiscipline and focusfocus are the keys that turn the knob.
You simply focus on the vision and trust Me to do My job.
Take action!
And avoid distraction.
Give like never before!
And you’ll live like never before.
If you’re going to break some records one-by-one,
It will demand doing some things you’ve never done.
Don’t talk yourself out of something new.
Talk yourself into doing what you know to do.
Define your goal and decide the actions to take.
Give Me your faith and new records we’ll break.
Get your expectancy through the roof!
And you’ll break records as solid proof!

This is not only the direction for my life in 2024, but it’s the direction this ministry is grabbing hold of, and I want you to receive this for you too.

Today, I want to highlight the two keys the Lord said will turn the knob to your record-breaking year… discipline and focus. With that in mind, I’m going to give you three steps to help you experience your record-breaking year in 2024. 

1. Decide this is your record-breaking year.

I’ve heard it said that there is nothing more powerful than a made-up mind! Decide TODAY that this will be your record-breaking year. 

The limitations and barriers you’ve experienced will not hold you back any longer. You’re entering a new season of God’s breakthrough power working in your life. 

I encourage you to start declaring by faith, “This is my record-breaking year, thank You Jesus!” 

2. Determine what records you’re going to break.

What record do you want to break in your life? What’s something you’ve never done before that God wants you to do?

Maybe you’ve never saved more than a certain amount…

Maybe you’ve never read more than six books in one year…

Maybe you’ve never worked out consistently for an entire month…

Maybe you’ve never given beyond a specific amount…

It’s time to break those records in 2024!

3. Do a 30-day challenge.

I was listening to an interview with some fitness trainers, and they said something powerful that got my attention. They said that when they see someone 200lbs overweight, they don’t see 200lbs of extra body fat; they see 200lbs of broken promises.

They went on to explain that when you try and fail and try and fail, and you don’t keep your promises, you don’t believe yourself. You don’t believe you can do it. 

When you set a promise and break it, it affects your dignity. If you set another promise and break it, your dignity takes another hit. 

When you stop keeping your word to yourself, it’s easy to think God doesn’t keep His word either. 

How do you break this pattern? You build a winning streak of keeping your promises to yourself and it can start with committing to a 30-day challenge.

This is how you change your life and break records.

Start by making one simple promise to yourself. It could be: 

  1. Read one chapter in Proverbs every day. 
  2. Wake up 10 minutes earlier. 
  3. Listen to a faith-building message while you get ready each morning. 
  4. Walk around your block every day. 
  5. Make your bed every morning. 
  6. Put the dishes away every night before bed.

When you’ve successfully kept your word to yourself for 30 days, you start thinking, “What else can I do?” You convince your brain that you’re DIFFERENT and your brain begins to believe you deserve something different.

I want to help you build a consistent, productive lifestyle, and that comes from discipline. You aren’t reading this by accident today. 

The Bible says in John 8:31-32 that if you will continue in God’s Word, then you will become a disciplined person and then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. This kind of discipline leads to being free from procrastination. Free from laziness. Free from overeating. Free from torment. Free from depression. Totally free!

Motivation will come and go. Developing discipline in the areas God is dealing with you is what will take you to a record-breaking year. 

That’s why I’m excited about this month’s resource offer. I’d like to send you my 4-part teaching, “Discipline to Reach Your Goals” as my thank you for your gift to the ministry of any amount. In it you’ll discover how to follow a plan to wake up each day with determination and purpose. 

Sow a record-breaking seed today for your record-breaking year as you request this 4-part teaching resource. Thank you for your generosity that is reaching so many in need around the world.

In closing, what record-breaking goals do you want to celebrate on December 31, 2024? Your debts paid off? Your book finished? Your music recorded? Your goal weight reached? Your home repaired? Your ministry or business started? Your relationship with God stronger than ever? 

Whatever your goals are, whatever records you need to break this year, discipline is the key to achieve them. 

I’m praying for you and believe that 2024 will be your best year yet… This is your time to walk in new levels of God’s blessing and abundance in Jesus’ name! 

Cheering you on, 


P.S. God has record-breaking blessings He’s preparing for you… but He’s also preparing you so you can receive these blessings. Be sure to request the 4-part “Discipline to Reach Your Goals” resource today as my thank you for your faith seed into a record-breaking year. 

January 2024 Monthly Offer

January Monthly Offer

Discover the “21-day solution to get in control” and position yourself to see God move in your life in amazing ways!
For your gift of any amount, you will receive Terri’s 4-part audio teachings, Discipline To Reach Your Goals in the format of your choice—CD (4 compact discs) or Digital MP3 Download.

Don't let your dreams pass you by!

You don’t have to waste another day without knowing how to start pursuing your dreams! Request this FREE PDF resource from Terri today.

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