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Welcome to the 2023 Live Your Dreams virtual event, happening on April 28. 

Get ready to learn the habits and strategies to achieve the big dreams and goals God has put in your heart, discover how to be effective instead of busy, and obtain the keys you need to get real results. You’ll hear from special guests like Bob Goff, Real Talk Kim, April Osteen Simons, Gary Keesee, Nicole Crank, DeeDee Freeman, Lydia Martinez, James Ellis along with your host, Terri Savelle Foy.

LYD Event Preview


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$ 97
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  • Terri Q&A Zoom Call




Terri Savelle Foy is the Founder of an international Christian ministry. The host of the Live Your Dreams television broadcast, an author, a conference speaker, and a success coach to hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. 

Her best-selling books 5 Things Successful People Do Before 8AM, Imagine Big, and Pep Talk are helping people break free from what’s held them back, and step into their destiny.

Bob Goff

Bob Goff is the New York Times Best-Selling Author of Love Does, Everybody Always and Dream Big, as well as an attorney who founded a nonprofit human rights organization. He is a highly sought-after speaker, inspiring current and future influencers to make the greatest impact possible every day. Choosing to live audaciously, he connects with audiences in a powerfully inspirational, yet down to earth manner.

April Osteen

April Osteen Simons is a coach, author and host of The Better Life Podcast, the House of Hope series on YouTube and the annual Better Life Nite in Arlington, Texas. Most often described as an encourager… She speaks at churches, conferences and business events inspiring people with her storytelling combined with heart-warming humor and practical wisdom that impacts personal, spiritual and professional lives.

Gary Keesee

Gary Keesee is the president and founder of the Forward Financial Group, Faith Life Now, and founding pastor of Faith Life Church. He has committed his life to helping people realize they can (and should) DREAM BIG! His desire to minister in the marketplace fueled the creation of his many businesses, which are centered around helping people succeed with their finances. 

Real Talk Kim

Real Talk Kim is the pastor of Limitless Church, an entrepreneur, mentor, motivational speaker, entertainer, and five-time best-selling author. She travels the world fulfilling her passion and purpose of loving people back to life. She is a true worshiper after Gods own heart, a testament of Gods redemption plan in action. She uses her influence to mentor people around the world speaking truth and life into them.

Nicole Crank

Nicole Crank is a dynamic international conference speaker, television host, successful pastor, life coach, blogger, and author of best-selling book, I Will Thrive! She is the co-founder and senior pastor of Faith Church where each week she instills hope, vision and faith into thousands of people across America. She will teach you not to just survive… but with God’s help, to THRIVE.

Deedee Freeman

DeeDee Freeman is a pastor, founder of Women Walking in the Word, host of the God’s Glamorous Girls Conference and a trailblazer in women’s ministry. Her lifestyle and teachings both inspire and challenge women to develop strong relationships with God and with their families. She is an anointed, uncompromising teacher of the Word of God with a passionate desire to see the Body of Christ have what God intended.

James Ellis

James’s success as a fitness model and body building competitor in Los Angeles has blessed him with many opportunities to help people build confidence in themselves and get in better shape. James is known for being physically fit as well as spiritually fit and ties the two together in his fitness programs. Join us for a quick and practical everyday workout demonstration to incorporate into your daily routine.

Lydia Ebling

Lydia Ebling is the Chief Formulator at Complete Body Labs and Women’s Health Strategist. She’s had well over 20 years experience and education in fitness and nutrition working with thousands of people and hundreds of groups assisting them in significant weight loss, body fat loss and health gained. She is a passionate women’s health advocate and in helping them redefine the aging process. 3 things she loves is God, coffee (lots of it), and laughing loud!


09:00 AM Session 1: Terri Savelle Foy
09:40 AM Session 2: April Osteen Simons
10:30 AM BONUS: James Ellis
10:35 AM Session 3: Deedee Freeman

11:25 AM Session 4: Gary Keesee
12:10 PM Session 5: Nicole Crank
12:55 PM BONUS: Lydia Ebling
01:10 PM BONUS: James Ellis

01:20 PM Session 6: Real Talk Kim
02:10 PM Session 7: Bob Goff
02:50 PM Session 8: Terri Savelle Foy

*Please note times are subject to change.


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