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Hi. I'm Terri.

I’m a southern girl who loves Jesus and loves to help people of all walks of life achieve the dreams and purposes that God has created them for.

But it’s not always easy to accomplish it.

If you’re like most people who come to my website, you understand that there is more. There is more to life, more to your purpose, more to accomplish.

You’re not interested in being average. You’re committed to going after your vision, achieving big things, and you want to make a difference.

So what’s the problem?

You want to enjoy a thriving and fulfilling life as you accomplish your dreams and goals, but something is in the way.

Instead of really fulfilling your purpose and achieving your dreams, you find yourself frustrated more than fulfilled or feeling stuck instead of succeeding. You’re tired of living each day, week, month as a repeat of the last. You need a change.

That was my story.

I understand. For years, I just existed without a definite sense of purpose or clear vision for my life. I was filled with guilt from my past and fear of rejection.

The turnaround for me came when I hit rock bottom with my marriage on the verge of divorce. During this painful time, I discovered how to have a real and growing relationship with God, develop discipline and habits, create a vision for my future, set goals correctly, and achieve big results.

Since then, my life has never been the same.

I’m a best-selling author, founder of an international ministry, host of the Live Your Dreams TV broadcast, conference speaker, and success coach to hundreds of thousands all over the world.

My life is proof that if you can dream it,
God can do it.

But we can’t do it alone. In order to get to the next level in our lives, we need someone to show us how.

The idea (and it’s a false one) that we can arrive at our destination in life just isn’t true. I know this firsthand.

When I was in the depths of despair in my life, God brought people into my path that helped me change the way I think and then change the way I acted.

And that made all the difference.

I’m not talking about a weird and unhealthy connection to someone. I’m talking about having a life mentor and helper to get you there.

I’d love to be that individual in your life.

Together with my team at Terri Savelle Foy Ministries, I help people like you succeed in life and achieve your dreams.

Our mission is to give you the tools you need to make your dreams bigger than your memories and fulfill your God-given assignment.

And here are some of the ways we help you accomplish your God-given dreams and visions…

Every week we release a new podcast (video and audio) that challenges you to let go of your fears, doubts, and your past, and lay hold of the good things God has prepared for you.

Through online courses, books, planners, journals and more, we have what you need to make a change in your life. These special resources and training courses will bring instant impact in your life if you apply what you are learning.

There’s nothing quite like being surrounded by others who are wanting to grow and live out their dreams. Through our live and virtual conference events, we bring you some of the most sought-after inspirational leaders in the world today.

These are just some of the tools that I want to share with you to help you on your journey. But just knowing about these tools doesn’t actually fulfill your destiny.

Are you ready to take the next step together?

It’s not something that happens by itself. You have to be willing.

It’s not something that happens by itself. You have to be willing.

The life you want and the life God has for you won’t happen overnight, but it can begin today. You don’t have to live another year as though it’s just a repeat of the last.

If you’re ready to go on this journey, then I’m ready to go with you!

And the way I want to encourage you to get started is to get connected to us.

Remember what I said a minute ago? We can’t do it alone. We need people to inspire and cheer us on.

I love being a cheerleader of your dreams!

So let’s going, and let’s get connected.

The easiest way, is to sign-up for the free encouraging resource below.

Not only will you receive a powerful and practical digital tool to help you in the pursuit of your dreams, you’ll also start an official connection with us so that I can encourage you on an ongoing basis.

Experience Restoration in Your Life today!

You don’t have to let the things of the past rob you from an incredible future! Request this FREE PDF of 7 Powerful Restoration Scriptures from Terri today.

*By submitting this form, not only are you saying “yes” to your dreams, but you are also opting-in for us to start delivering other incredible encouragements to your inbox as well. You can easily unsubscribe at any time.

You were created on purpose for a purpose.

And as an organization, we recognize that and focus our attention and energy on helping you discover and live out your purpose!

Everything we do is to help you recognize, develop, and achieve all God has for you.

Today is a new day. Let’s make the most of it…together.


Don't let your dreams pass you by!

You don’t have to waste another day without knowing how to start pursuing your dreams! Request this FREE PDF resource from Terri today.

*By submitting this form, not only are you saying “yes” to your dreams, but you are also opting-in for us to start delivering other incredible encouragements to your inbox as well. You can easily unsubscribe at any time.